Engines / APUs
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Engines / APUs

Werner Aero with its experienced and highly qualified team understands the financial pressures that aircraft operators and owners continue to face.

Commercial aircraft engines and APUs are major drivers of economical importance both from an operational cost and a capital expenditure point of view. Our engine and APU division responds to these market demands and provides innovative engine and APU support services, asset management, and engine programs customized for individual owners and operators. We offer services supporting our clients ensuring these high cost pieces of equipment can be utilized in the most efficient means. Our aim is to support our customers with the most efficient products and services customized to your specific requirements.

Werner Aero’s Engine and APU Division offers engines and APUs for sale, lease, exchange, and sale lease back. Our experience includes all major leading engine OEMs; such as:
CFM International, General Electric, Honeywell, International Aero Engines, Pratt & Whitney, and Rolls-Royce.

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