Initial Provisioning
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Initial Provisioning

Werner Aero will work with you on the right size of spare parts inventory you need to achieve the service level you desire.

Our highly experienced professionals have developed sophisticated inventory optimization models that can be applied to your airline. We know that every airline operation is different with material requirements that are unique to your fleet. Our inventory provisioning experts will carefully analyze your operation and develop a logistical solution that is right for you. We can work with mature and new fleets as well as integrating new aircraft or entire fleets through merger or acquisitions. We can assist in new aircraft purchases to secure the package that is right for you.

Once we agree on the content, Werner Aero Service will sell, lease or consign the required initial provisioning, which can be done on-site or at our facility. Our IP programs allow customers to save significant upfront capital, which enables them to use their funds to continue growing their business. We can also assist customers with making decisions about the components to keep on hand, as well as buy and lease back already placed IP. During the term of the agreement, we provide complete care service to the IP package.

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